Hochschule Düsseldorf
University of Applied Sciences
Fachbereich Elektro- & Informationstechnik
Faculty of Electrical Engineering & Information Technology

​​​​​​​Support and Advice for Students

HSD - Electrical Engineering & Information Technology > English > Student Affairs > Advice > ​​​​​​​Support and Advice for Students

The teaching staff of the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Information Technology offer support and advice. We want to help you manage your studies and avoid delays. This support and advice service is established in the Hochschulgesetz (HG) (higher education act), in section 83.


The English translation below is intended to allow international readers
a better understanding of HG s​ection 83. Please note that this HSD translation
is solely for information purposes and only the official German version is legally binding.


Section 83 Advisory and Counselling Service

  • The higher education institution advises and counsels their current students, potential prospective students and applicants regarding all aspects of their studies. The general advisory and counselling service includes information regarding aptitude as well as study programme options, contents, syllabuses and requirements; this service is offered during the entire duration of the studies and also includes psychological counselling in case of study-related personal difficulties. The faculty advisory and counselling service supports students during their studies, especially regarding their study configuration, study techniques and focuses of the chosen study programme.

  • The higher education institution reviews the students’ course of study recorded so far, at the latest by the end of the second semester, informs the students and, if necessary, conducts an advisory and counselling session.

  • The general advisory and counselling service is organised by the higher education institution centrally. The faculty advisory and counselling service is the faculty’s duty.

  • In the field of the advisory and counselling service, the higher education institution cooperates with the institutions responsible for career advice, state examination and other education advice.
Therefore, HSD would like to ask you for cooperation when we request information regarding your course of study during the first semesters. Only with your help can we fulfil our legal obligation and successfully provide support and advice for you.

We treat all personal advice and support sessions strictly confidentially. Of course, you can also turn to a lecturer you trust, if you prefer.

​​​get in touch

Contact person 
Electrical Engineering and Information Technology:

Prof. Dr. Peter Pogatzki

Communication in German and English.

upon request​

Contact person
Industrial Engineering:

Prof. Dr. Kati Lang

Communication in German and English.

upon request via e-mail​