Hochschule Düsseldorf
University of Applied Sciences
Fachbereich Elektro- & Informationstechnik
Faculty of Electrical Engineering & Information Technology

​​G. Gronau
Springer-Verlag, 670 Seiten, Berlin, 2001, ISBN 3-540-41790-7

​​G. Gronau
Einführung in die Theorie und Technik planarer Mikrowellenantennen in Mikrostreifenleitungstechnik, Verlagsbuchhandlung Nellissen-Wolff, Aachen, 
ISBN 3-922697-21-6

​​G. Gronau
Rauschparameter- und Streuparameter- Meßtechnik, Verlagsbuchhandlung Nellissen-Wolff, Aachen, ISBN 3-922697-24-0

G. Gronau, I. Wolff, H. Moschüring
The input impedance of a rectangular microstrip resonator fed by a microstrip network on the backside of the substrate,
Proc. 14th European Microwave Conf., Liege (Belgium), 1984, pp. 625-630

G. Gronau, I. Wolff, H. Moschüring
Microstrip antenna arrays fed from the backside of the substrate, Proc. of Int. Symposium on Antennas and Propagation, Kyoto (Japan), August 1985, vol. 1, pp. 113-116

G. Gronau, I. Wolff
Aperture-coupling of a rectangular microstrip resonator,
Electronics Letters, May 1986, vol. 22, no. 10, pp. 554-556

G. Gronau, I. Wolff
Aperture-coupling of a rectangular microstrip resonator,
Electronics Letters, May 1986, vol. 22, no. 10, pp. 554-556

G. Gronau, I. Wolff
Streifenleitungsantennen für den Satellitenrundfunkempfang,
ITG-Fachtagung 99, Würzburg, März 1987, pp. 127-131

G. Gronau
Der rechnergestützte Entwurf von Schaltungen in Mikrostreifenleitungstechnik,
Mikrowellen & HF Magazin, Dezember 1988, vol. 14, no. 8, pp. 732-737

G. Gronau, I. Wolff
A simple broad-band device de-embedding method using an automatic network analyzer with time domain option, IEEE Trans. on Microwave Theory and Techniques, March 1989, vol. 37, no. 3, pp. 479-483

T. Becks, G. Gronau, I. Wolff
Efficient S-Parameter Calculation of Branchline and Patch Couplers with the Spectral Domain Analysis Method,
IEEE AP-S Digest, London (Canada), 1991, pp. 484-487

G. Gronau
Scattering Parameter Measurement of Microstrip Devices,
Microwave Journal, November 1992, vol. 35, no. 3, pp. 82-92

G. Gronau, A. Felder
Coplanar-waveguide test fixture for characterisation of high-speed digital circuits up to 40 Gbit/s, Electronics Letters, Oktober 1993, vol. 29, no. 22, pp. 1939-1940

G. Gronau, A. Weiß, O. Kramer
CPW Test Fixture Characterizes Microwave Devices,
Microwaves & RF, February 1994, pp. 101-104

G. Gronau, A. Weiß, O. Kramer
Characterisierung von Mikrowellentransistoren mit Hilfe einer Transistor-Meßhalterung in Koplanarleitungstechnik, HF-Report, Mai 94, pp. 46-50